Decrypting Brake Pad Edge Codes
Guideline To Visually Inspecting A Shock Or Strut
Understanding EV Wheel Hub Bearings
PRT & PRT HEAVY DUTY To Exhibit at “The Group” Annual Member Expo
Steer Into the Future with Delphi Technologies by Your Side
Decrypting Brake Pad Edge Codes
Guideline To Visually Inspecting A Shock Or Strut
Understanding EV Wheel Hub Bearings
PRT & PRT HEAVY DUTY To Exhibit at “The Group” Annual Member Expo
Steer Into the Future with Delphi Technologies by Your Side
Sponsored By NGK Spark Plugs
Do the letters “GDI” scare you? If gasoline direct injection or GDI has you avoiding diagnostics and repairs on late-model vehicles, we have some training for you! In this 45-minute webinar, experts will help you understand GDI systems from the strainer in the tank to the nozzles in the combustion chamber.
At the end of the webinar, you will have a better understanding of how a GDI fuel system operates, so you have a solid diagnostic foundation.
Speakers Jeff Boehler, Director of Engineering/Chief Engineer, Autolite Andrew Markel, Director of Content, ShopOwner
Brake & Front End serves repair shops conducting a high volume of undercar repairs by providing application-specific technical information and solutions to address emerging trends in the undercar repair segment. By subscribing, you’ll receive the ShopOwner digital edition magazine (12 times/year) featuring articles from Brake & Front End and the Brake & Front End eNewsletter (twice weekly). Access to digital editions, contests, news, and more are ready for you today!
Brake & Front End serves repair shops conducting a high volume of undercar repairs by providing application-specific technical information and solutions to address emerging trends in the undercar repair segment. By subscribing, you’ll receive the ShopOwner digital edition magazine (12 times/year) featuring articles from Brake & Front End and the Brake & Front End eNewsletter (twice weekly). Access to digital editions, contests, news, and more are ready for you today!
ByBrake and Front End Staff on May 6, 2022
Follow along to learn how to properly remove and replace a strut assembly. This video is sponsored by PRT.
Don’t settle for “almost” - it matters where the engine is manufactured or remanufactured. Sponsored by ACDelco.
GM transmissions and transfer cases are unique to each individual vehicle. This video is sponsored by ACDelco.
Don’t settle for “almost” - it matters where the engine is manufactured or remanufactured. Sponsored by ACDelco.
Click here to view past issues.
The purpose of preload is to eliminate clearance inside the bearing. This video is sponsored by BCA Bearings.
Modern wheel bearing assemblies are precision-engineered parts which are subjected to tremendous loads while driving. Despite their strength and durability, they are vulnerable to certain forces which may occur during service.
Wheel bearing assemblies are held together by a nut or bolt which secures the CV axle outer joint inside the hub. Tightening this nut or bolt will place tension onto the wheel bearing, which is known as preload. The purpose of preload is to eliminate clearance inside the bearing and help it roll smoothly down the road.
Now, if there is no preload on the wheel bearing, that means that there would be clearance between the rolling elements inside. If the full weight of the vehicle was placed onto the tires with no preload on the wheel bearings, they would be damaged.
Let’s look at a 2017 VW Golf Alltrack as an example. Volkswagen specifies that:
“The drive axle bolt may be loosened a maximum of 90° when the vehicle is standing on its wheels. Vehicles without a drive axle must not be moved, otherwise the wheel bearing will be damaged.”
To loosen the CV axle bolt you’ll need to lift the vehicle, so the wheels are hanging free, have a second technician press and hold the brake pedal while you remove the bolt. When reassembling the vehicle, have a second technician press and hold the brake pedal while you torque the bolt to 200 Nm, then lower the vehicle onto its wheels and turn the bolt another 180°.
These procedures will vary from one car manufacturer to another; this is why it’s so important to read the OE service information before starting a repair.
We’d like to conclude by briefly talking about orbital formed hub assemblies, also referred to as rolled closure style hub assemblies.
These hub assemblies have a permanent preload which is set from the factory. Orbital formed hub assemblies are less likely to fail prematurely due to incorrect torque applied during install, and offer a number of advantages including:
This video is sponsored by BCA Bearings.
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