Accident on Mexico-Querétaro highway with more than 20 cars involved

2022-09-10 04:59:06 By : Ms. leah wang

This September 9, a spectacular accident was recorded on the Mexico-Querétaro highway with a 23-car pileup.

The mishap occurred when the driver of a trailer lost control due to mechanical brake failure. The driver of the cargo truck moved from the center to the side lanes and struck multiple vehicles, including a passenger bus.

Firefighters from Querétaro attended to the emergency for which three people had to be transferred to medical units. The organization shared a statement on social networks in which it detailed:

A few moments ago, emergency personnel attended to the report entered through the 9-1-1 line for a vehicular accident in which 23 vehicles were involved, this on the lateral lanes of the México-Querétaro highway, at the height of the Col. Climatario Hills.

Pre-hospital medical evaluations of 44 people were carried out on the scene, of which only 3 required a transfer to the hospital.

According to testimonies collected by the local media, Civil Protection (PC) reported that none of the people who were transferred were seriously injured. Likewise, unofficially they have indicated that the driver of the truck who caused the massive accident fled the scene.

Circulation in the section of the lateral lanes of Highway 57 and Avenida Cimatario was closed after the accident that occurred at approximately 4:00 p.m.

The Mexico-Querétaro highway is frequently the scene of spectacular accidents. One of the most recent occurred in mid-June when a combi crashed into a tree.

Presumably the driver of the unit in which a group of people from the community of San Jerónimo Amanalco was traveling left the road and hit a tree that was on a median. Due to the strong impact, some passengers were thrown and ended up on the asphalt.

The final balance left by the road incident was 13 people dead and 8 injured, who were rushed to nearby hospitals.

Likewise, in August there was a spectacular accident on the Chamapa-Lechería highway, presumably caused by the excessive speed at which the vehicles involved were traveling.

One of the drivers lost control of his car while trying to avoid a car that entered his lane. Due to this, he crossed the median, ended up on the other side of the road, and collided with another car.

Consequently, the two motorists ended up seriously injured, while the passenger of the driver who caused the accident lost his life.

The most recent information from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography ( INEGI ) revealed that in 2020 alone, 301,678 accidents were reported, of which 245,297 registered only material damage, 52,954 injured victims were identified and in the remaining 3,427 accidents, there were at least one person deceased.

During that year, a total of 3,826 victims died at the scene of the accident, and 71,935 presented some type of injury.

The states with the highest number of deaths at the accident site per 100 thousand inhabitants were Sinaloa, Chihuahua, Querétaro, Sonora, and Zacatecas.

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